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LEGAZPI CITY, April 21, 2018 --  The Philippine National Health Research System- Capacity Building Committee conducted a meeting with the Chairs of the Capacity Building Committee of the Regional Health Research and Development Consortia (RHRDCs), and RHRDC Regional Project Staff last 19-20 April 2018 in Xenia Hotel, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga.


This gathering aimed to provide a platform for exchange of information and open discussion to ensure alignment and harmonization of plans on capacity building for health research system.

Each RHRDC presented their accomplishments in their respective regions including the new programs and strategies being conducted per region.

During the meeting, Dr. Marilou Tino, BCHRD-CBC Chair presented the Bicol Health Research Training program (Bicol HeaRT) and the Bicol One System for Health Research Environment program (B10SHARE), the new programs being implemented to encourage more researchers to conduct research.

After the presentation of each region, an open forum was conducted and was facilitated by Dr. Vicente Belizario, Jr., Chair, PNHRS CBC to raise questions/ queries, recommendations and suggestions. Each region was commended for coming up with different programs to help the researchers in conducting their research.


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