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Legazpi City --- December 1, 2017. This year BCHRD launch its first Scholarship Program, the BICOL HeaRT (Bicol Health Research Training and Development Program) which aims to capacitate researchers who have interest in conducting health and health-related researches along with the identified research priorities in the region. The idea of this program is first to accept concept note that is mainly included in the regions priority of health research. The concept notes have been evaluated for choosing the candidate for the scholarship program. Bicol Heart Scholars participated the venue at the Hotel Venezia for MOA and Module 1 & 2 Workshop Training.

Last November 8, 2017, the scholars of Bicol Heart gather the venue at the Hotel Venezia, Hall 2 for MOA Signing. Dir. Michael Montealegre, BCHRD Director introduced the terms and guidelines regarding the scholarship program. Dr. Ernie V. Vera, the assistant regional director of DOH delivered a welcome message in lieu of DOH Regional Director, Dr. Napoleon Arevalo. who was not able to attend the event due to a prior commitment. Also, the presence of the head of the agencies and institutions also attend the MOA Signing for the support of the selected Scholars.

A total of 32 concept notes from the different institutions and agencies were submitted to the BCHRD for the application of scholarship. Only 15 of concept notes received the scholarship program. The first batch of the scholars is mainly prioritizing the health service, which is the top priority of the region. Researcher for Batch 1 Bicol Heart Program undergo series of training and workshop. The module one and two discuss on working their Technical Paper and Research Method which is dated on November 9-10, 2017.

The objective of the workshop is to refresh our researcher, recognize different types of health research and their roles and can distinguish between science and research and between research and development. Understand principles of relevant methodologies for health research including sampling, questionnaires, and data management. The output of this workshop is for them to prepare quality research proposals worthy of funding.

More Photos during the "MOA and Module 1 and 2" are available  HERE.


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