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HERDIN stands for Health Research and Development Information Network, a research repository / database with over 40 thousand records of health research articles and health researches about the Philippines or Filipinos, authored by Filipinos or non-Filipinos, published and unpublished.

To be able to access the research information network, BCHRD organized a HERDIN training on November 28, 2012 at the Bicol University, College of Nursing.  Three speakers/trainers from PCHRD came to Legazpi City to provide the participants with the knowledge and skills needed in the setting up/operating of a research database in their respective institutions that could be linked with the regional (BCHRD) and national research repositories.

The said speakers/trainers were: Mylene B. Marco who gave the mechanics of the workshop, Meychell Angoy, who lectured on the technical aspect of HERDIN, and Ronel D. Molina, who lectured on data inputting (setting up, updating, enhancing, and maintenance of the Consortia website).

The training workshop was participated by a total of twenty seven (27) point persons for research database from member and non-member agencies. The participants  were given the HERDIN User’s Guide / Manual  as reference for the technical aspect of HERDIN. The database can be searched for free at

Data inputting of the researchers and researches in Region V will be done in 2013. The inventory of these researchers and researches in the region is still ongoing.

Ms. Meychell Angoy (above) explaining the technical aspect of HERDIN.


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