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- Category: News

Discover the processes and the research partnerships made during the previous years as we hear from Regional Directors, NAST PHL Academicians, and Local Government Officials. Register to attend by scanning the QR Code or through clicking this link: https://bit.ly/NAST-OUSECRO.
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Mheljor A. General, Project Staff under the secretariat of Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) will be serving as the main Moderator for this event. His service was personally sought by DOST Undersecretary for Regional Operations, Dr. Sancho A. Mabborang. |
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- Written by BCHRD
- Category: News
Copyrighted by: National Academy of Science and Technology
Published by: Bernard Dexter M. Moros. BCHRD Secretariat
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- Written by BCHRD
- Category: News
Basic Research Ethics Training
August 23 – 24, 2021
Via ZOOM Teleconferencing
The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) spearheaded and facilitated the Basic Research Ethics Training for budding researchers of its member institutions. The consortium had collaborated with Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) and Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) for the conduct of the activity. The training happened last August 23 – 24, 2021 on a virtual setting using Zoom Teleconferencing. The training workshop was essential for institutions to establish a PHREB accredited ethics committee, and guide them how to prepare necessary documentations. Put extra effort in the welfare and protection of the human participants involved in health research, this workshop also aimed to guide the participants the moral dimensions of the research, apply basic research ethics concept, and advocate quality ethical research particularly those researches that involves human participants or human data.
The BCHRD secretariat sent invitations to member institutions who signified to establish their own PHREB – accredited research ethics committee and to those institutions that need training on research ethics. A total of 33 participants attended the training. Most of the participants are medical doctors, faculty researchers, social scientists, and budding research enthusiast from their respective institutions.
The Philippine Health Research Ethics Board provided assistance throughout the event. The speakers were Dr. Ma. Salome N. Vios and Dr. Leslie Michelle M. Dalmacio, both from University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine. During the day 1, Dr. Vios discussed the topics: Ethics and Research, Favorable Benefits and Risks Ratio, Selecting Research Subjects Fairly. Dr. Dalmacio discussed the topics: Defining Research Ethics Principles and Preparing an Adequate and Appropriate Informed Consent Process and Form. During the day 2, Dr. Vios discussed the topics: Protecting Vulnerability in Research, Qualified Researcher, and Institutional Controls: Research Ethics Committee. After discussing each of the topic, there was a team up workshop by dividing the participants into 4 groups and review an assigned protocol through a breakout session room in the Zoom. After which, a representative of each of the group will explain the findings about the assigned protocol. An interactive question and answer was also done to demystify some of things regarding research ethics.
The secretariat of BCHRD will be in close contact with the institutions to help them in the establishment of their own research ethics committee. After the training, some of the participants especially the young researchers have sent their queries regarding the BCHRD, how to submit proposals and how it can be funded externally.
Content by: Mheljor A. General, PA III
Published by: Bernard Dexter M. Moros, SRS I
BCHRD Secretaria
Photo courtesy of Ms. Phoebe Diez
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- Category: News
•DOST-PCHRD provides support to all undergraduate students who will conduct their thesis on natural products
•All undergraduate students of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing, and Health and Allied Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products may apply
•Thesis grants will be given to two (2) undergraduate entries per region (subject to availability of funds). After completion of the project, a competition will be held for selected qualified students to recognize their innovative work on natural products.
•Deadline of Submission: May 31, 2021 (to consortium); June 11, 2021 (endorsement to PCHRD)
For more information, visit https://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/
For inquiries, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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- Written by BCHRD
- Category: News
Region 5 Wins 2nd-Place in the DOST-PCHRD 3-Minute Pitch to Policymakers Competition
MARY JOY B. SANDE, R.N., RM., MN., PhDNEd, a Bicol University College of Nursing professor and Bicol HeaRT (Health Research Training) Batch-2 scholar of Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) is the region's representative who won 2nd-Place on the recently conducted 3-Minute Pitch to Policymakers Competition last March 17, 2021 01:00 PM via Zoom conference with her winning policy-pitch entitled "Antenatal care: Every Pregnant Mother's Right for Quality Care". The said pitch was sourced from one of the recently concluded researches of DOH CHD V in collaboration with BCHRD and Bicol University entitled "Utilization and Implementation of Antenatal Care Services in Iriga City and Tabaco City".
Dr. Sande won 20,000Php along with certificates.
The 3-Minute Pitch to Policymakers Competition is one of the highlights of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development's (PCHRD) 39th-anniversary celebration with the theme "Strategic R&D Partnership for Global Health." The said competition will focus on the presentation of successfully completed health research studies with aims of exercising and cultivating researchers’ presentation, and research communication skills as a way of sharing evidence to stakeholders and policymakers.
For this year's event, we were able to witness 12 policy pitches of competitors who were nominated by their respective regional health research and development consortia. Competitors will present their completed research in a three-minute, one-slide presentation for a non-specialist audience based on set criteria.
Winners of the competition has received Php 10,000 for the 3rd place, Php 20,000 for the 2nd place, and Php 30,000 for the 1st place.
Prizes for audience votes will also be given as People’s Choice Award worth Php 5,000.
See facebook live record of the event:
Related Article:
Article by: BERNARD DEXTER M. MOROS, BCHRD Secretariat
Credits to: DOST-PCHRD