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The aim of the Philippine National Research Health System of ensuring that the health research is linked to the needs of our health system is cascaded to the vision of the BCHRD, of producing excellent health researches that are responsive to the needs of Bicolanos. In order to achieve the vision, this 2013, the BCHRD is working on packaging health and health related research proposals. This was expressed during the welcome address of Dr. Alma Banua, the consortium director, wherein she enjoined the participants to undertake the Health Research Proposal Packaging Process (HRPPP) with the consortium.

The HRPPP was conceptualized based on the principle of learning by doing by Aristotle. It is comprised of lectures by a resource speaker and workshop/application of the learning, thus the invited participants come with a research proposal that is refined as they undergo the HRPPP. The review of the research proposal is done by the Research and Development and Ethics Review Committees together with an expert recommended by the PCHRD-DOST.

The HRPPP is comprised of 3 phases, Phase 1:Basic Methods Training held on January 29-31, consisting of concepts on objective setting, research design and data analysis; Phase 2:Research Evaluation Training with technical review (Feb 27-28); and Phase 3:Package Proposals with Technical and Ethical Review (March 6-7). At the end of the process is a full blown proposal ready for submission to the funding agency.

Fifteen (15) research proposals were presented by the research participants from the member agencies. It was short listed to six (6) – all of which were aligned to the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) and/or Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA).

These six proposals are:

  1. Joel Olfindo et al- Biomedical Waste Management Practices in Government Health Care Facilities in Catanduanes
  2. Elma P. Peralta & Marlyn A. Daguno- Total Financial Cost of Motor Vehicular Accident Patients Admitted at BRTTH
  3. Dennis B. Gogola & Carina Orden- Wound Healing Properties of Guyabano Leaf and Malunggay Leaf Extract
  4. Jocelyn E. Serrano- Biological Activities of Pili Pulp Extracts
  5. Joan Nace- Phytochemical Characterization, Antimicrobial Screening, and Histological Study of Orthosiphon aristatus (Balbas Pusa)
  6. Michael Angelo B. Brogada- Feasibility of a Web-Based Health Status Monitoring and Decision Support System for Public Elementary Pupils of the Province of Albay


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