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President Fay Lea Patria Lauraya chair of the BCHRD announced during the 5th Regional Health Research Coordinating Council (RHRCC) meeting, that the submission of the research proposals shall be extended to June 2014 to make room for those who wants to undertake health researches. President Lauraya had called the chair of the Research and Development (R & D) Committee- Dr. Marlyn Daguno of the Bicol Regional and Training and Teaching Hospital to enjoin all the members of the consortium to submit proposals.

Funding of research proposals comes from the Regional Development Fund worth P500.00, however proposals needing more than this amount are likewise funded by the Philippine Council for health Research and Development.

A total of six (6) research proposals were submitted to the consortium and were already shortlisted by the R & D Committee.

A good news is we are still accepting research proposals and will do so year round. The requirements to submit a research proposals are as follows: 1) Submit a capsule proposal (in DOST 1B Format) to be evaluated by the R& D Committee; 2) If accepted, submit a detailed proposal (in PCHRD Format); 3) A 2nd review will be done by the R & D committee; 4) Approval from the RHRCC; and 5) Submission to the Philippine Council for final review.


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