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            The PNHRS has come up with the System of Monitoring and Evaluation (SoME) of the Research and Researchers, Consortium and Institution. The main goal is to help the PNHRS monitor and evaluate the research, researchers, consortium and institution’s progress in their on-going activities/ researches/projects, and to help in making it easier to determine if their activities/ researches/projects are still aligning with the Goals and Visions of the PNHRS.

The authors of the new forms in SoME are Dr. Merlita Opeña and Dr. Ophelia Saniel. They have explained that the four forms are to be used in determining the progress of each research, as well as their respective researchers. The four forms are still to be reconstructed as per suggestions of the representatives of each region. The Four Forms shall be endorsed upon revision.



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