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Topics and Subtopics

1.     Health services

o    Healthcare delivery in GIDA

o    Adolescent health

o    Teenage pregnancy

o    Improvement of maternal and child health

o    Risk assessment of maternal and child health

o    Evaluation of maternal and child health service delivery

o    Implementation of integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI)

o    Child health status from birth, preterm, low birth

o    Traditional birth attendants/hilot

o    Herbolarios/ traditional healers

o    Care for people with special needs (retain)

o    Mental health and psychosocial intervention

o    Substance abuse

o    PWD

o    Vulnerable population

o    Gender issues

o    Factors affecting compliance to TB management (retain)

o    TB patients

o    Health workers (e.g. doctors, nurses, etc.)

o   Preparedness and response of the facilities for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

o   Human Resources for Health

2.     Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

§  Evacuation/camp management for health

§  Health issues/diseases related to post-disaster

§  Climate change impact on health (e.g. meteorological data and illnesses)

§  Beliefs on disasters of indigenous peoples

§  Hospital safety and readiness in disaster management

§  Capability building among community on disaster risk management

3.     Policy and governance

·         Health financing

o  Mapping of appropriating funds for health

o  Impact of health insurance coverage to people’s health

o  Point-of-care implementation

o  Sustainability of PhilHealth benefits

o    Effect of downgrading of LGU-owned hospitals

o    policy vis-à-vis current health facility situation

o    Hospital infection control

o    establishing DOH-retained hospital per province

4.     Food safety

o    Food safety concerns, practices, and implementation for establishments and ambulant vendors

o    Diseases and Infestation related to food and water

5.     Environmental health

o    Health hazards and effects of small-scale mining

o    Waste management

o    Healthcare waste management

§  Infection control

o    Local technology development for disposal and treatment of hazardous waste materials of laboratories and hospitals

o    Public health risks brought by vector-borne diseases and zoonotic diseases

o    Environmental health assessments

o    Environmental sanitation and hygiene

o    Effects on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

o    Addressing occupational health hazards

o    Compensation

o    Policy

6.     HIV/AIDS-

o    Awareness and prevention

o   Safe blood supply

7.     Interventions to address Lifestyle-related diseases

o    Risk factors among younger population

o    Lifestyle changes and its effect on health among business process outsourcing (BPOs)

o   Health and wellness among industry workers (e.g. farmers, fisherfolks, etc.)

8.     Health technology development

o    Ethnobotany of agroforestry species in ancestral domains and indigenous peoples’ communities

o    Natural products for medical use

·      Material science

o    Drug-discovery and development for endemic plant species

o    Invention of novel and/or innovative medical equipment

o    Food packaging

·         Ready-to-cook meals for emergencies

·         Storage

9.     Migration and health

o    Local migration

o    International migration implications

o    ASEAN integration

o    Travel-related diseases

o    Pandemics

10.  Substance Abuse

o    Effectiveness and applicability of models of rehabilitation

o         Health interventions for drug users (e.g. minors)



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