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 In an effort to increase the capacity of health researchers in the region, the BCHRD will be organizing program called “Bicol Health Research Training Environment (Bicol HeaRT): Training Program for Researchers”, a scholarship program designed to capacitate researchers who have interest in conducting health and health-related researches along with the identified research priorities in the region.


Submitted concept notes shall be screened by a group of experts in health research and its proponents shall be accepted in the scholarship program who shall undergo a series of trainings and workshops to come up with a full blown proposal for funding of DOST-PCHRD, DOH or other funding agencies. Slots will be prioritized to applicants from member-institutions of BCHRD. Accepted scholars shall enter into a contract between the proponent, agency and BCHRD.


Attached the concept note format, schedules of the training/workshops and the Regional Unified Heath Research Agenda (RUHRA) 2017-2022. Please send the concept notes and the curricula vitae of the proponents (no more than 2 pages, giving emphasis on research) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For inquiries you may contact them at 742-1803 or at 09167332353.






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