DOST - PCHRD/FNRI and DOH conduct a study

“Evaluation of Dietary Service in Selected Hospitals

in the Philippines, includes BRTTH”


            The Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST – FNRI) is conducting a study entitled “Evaluation of Dietary Service in Selected Hospitals in the Philippines”.  Funded by the Department of Health through the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), this study aims to fill the knowledge gap on information about the quality of foods and its corresponding cost served to in-patients provided either by an outsourced dietary service or an in-house dietary service in selected hospitals. Also, the study intends to provide information on the comparability of services undertaken by the two (2) types of food service providers as against the dietetic food service standards.


            Fifty (50) hospitals nationwide are included in this study. The Bicol Regional Teaching and Training Hospital (BRTTH) in Legazpi City is one of the selected study sites. The FNRI and DOST V Team Visit and Project Presentation at BRTTH was done on 11 February 2014 and Data Collection was finished on 12 February 2014.


            The methodology of the study consisted of the following:

·         Nutrient analysis of food served to in-patients

-       Food weighing of two (2) sample trays (full diet only) per room type for breakfast, lunch and supper

·         Interview of key informants


The FNRI – DOST V Team interviewed Dr. Rogelio G. Rivera, Chief of Hospital, Mr. Peter Almonte, Budget Officer and OIC-Chief Administrative Officer and three (3) nutritionist-dietitians. Other interviewees (face-to-face interview) were ten (10) randomly selected adult patient on full diet representing all room types.


Feedback also included the patient’s answers/comments on food taste, appearance/color, texture and temperature. Dietary food service policies and procedures were looked into/ documented/ reviewed. Facilities for improvement e.g. availability of storage equipment and energy audit formed part of the recommendations considering good dietary practices and food system management system, among others.


This study commenced in April 2013 to be completed in February 2014. Results of the study will be provided to DOH to become basis for policy making on dietary service system in various Center for Health and Development (CHD), regional hospitals and medical centers in the country.

Dr. Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa, Principal Investigator and Mesdames Clarita R. Magsadia, Senior Science Research Specialist, Chona F. Patalen, Science Research Specialist I and Christine Q. Verano, Science Research Analyst are the members of the FNRI project team. (Dr. P. O. Lucena, DOST V).