Application for 2015 DOST-SEI Science and Technology

(S&T) Scholarship is on


            “Make S&T Your Future, Be a DOST Scholar!” This is the new slogan for the 2015 Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) scholarships.

            In line with the S&T education thrust, DOST encourages the youth especially those graduating students from public and private high schools this coming March/April 2015. Specifically, they should belong to the top five percent (5%) of the regular high school graduating class or have high aptitude in Science and Mathematics and are willing to pursue fields of study in Science, Mathematics and Engineering. Great opportunities await our S&T scholars who will later become the country’s future achievers as scientists, engineers, researchers, teachers and others. As a government investment amounting to more or less Four Hundred Thousand Pesos (P400,000) for each scholar-graduate depending on the scholarship classification as full, partial or special, his/her enormous contribution in nation building after a period of four (4) or five (5) academic years, matters most.

            For one to aspire for the S&T scholarship has to apply and comply with the requirements, take and pass the examination and enroll for authorized Bachelor of Science degrees in recognized state/private universities and colleges in the country. There are two (2) study placements: RA 7687 (for poor, talented and deserving students and Merit Scholarships (for those having gainfully employed parents).


            The scholarship requirements/items to be submitted are:

·         DOST-SEI Information Sheet (Form A)

·         Household Information Questionnaire (Form B)

·         Certificate of Good Moral Character (Form C)

·         Certification that applicant belongs to upper 5% of graduating class (Form D1); or

·         Certification that applicant belongs to the graduating class of DOST-SEI identified or DepEd recognized science high school (Form D2)

·         Statement of applicant that he/she has not taken any undergraduate units or post secondary course (Form E)

·         Statement of parent that applicant has no pending application as immigrant to any other county (Form F)

·         Cetificate of Residency (Form G)

·         Two (2) recent “1x1” pictures

·         Photocopy of Birth Certificate

·         Parent/s 2013 Income Tax Return/W2/Employment Contract for OFW/BIR Certificate of Exemption from Filing of ITR/Barangay Certificate of Indigency

·         Electric bill for three (3) consecutive months in 2014


Note: Application for Merit Scholarship does not require the Certificate of Residency (Form G), Parent/s 2013 ITR/OFW Employment Contract/BIR Cert. of Exemption from ITR Filing/Brgy. Cert. of Indigency and Electric bill for three (3) consecutive months in 2014.


            Application forms are available and upon completion can be filed at DOST-SEI, 2nd Level Science Heritage Bldg., DOST Compound, General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila; DOST Regional Offices, Provincial S&T Centers (PSTCs) or Office of the Congress Representative and Senator. It can be downloaded at the website, and


            The students, their parents/guardians or any representatives may file the scholarship applications at the said offices. Secondary school registrars/in-charge are encouraged to file their students’ scholarship applications by group/batch. Deadline for submission of application is on 22 August 2014. The examination is set on 21 September 2014 (1st Batch, 7:00 a.m. - 12:00nn and 2nd Batch, 1:00 – 6:00p.m. in designated testing centers. The test permits shall be mailed/ delivered to the applicant/s or school principal for distribution to the applicants. In case of non-receipt within the week before the examination, the examinees are advised to visit DOST Region V, Regional Center Site, Rawis, Legazpi City, telephone numbers Trunklines: (052) 482-1050; ORD Telefax: (052) 482-0534(BAYANTEL); (052) 742-0911 (PLDT); Scholarship Telefax: (052) 482-0745; and Technical Telefax: (052) 482-0910 or Provincial S&T Center (PSTC) nearest them, (Dr. P.O. Lucena/C.L. Gillego, DOST V).