The Republic Act 10532, otherwise known as the “Philippine National Health Research System Act (PNHRS) of 2013” was signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino last May 7, 2013. Sec. 13 of the law pertaining to the Regional Health Research Systems stipulates that


“The PNHRS framework shall be mirrored in all the regions of the country, forming a network of regional research consortia. Each regional health research system' shall address concerns relating to health research agenda, development of human resource in health research, conduct of researches, dissemination of research results, research utilization, resource mobilization, leadership and management.”


            Supportive to this, is the Department Order No.2014-0121, issued by DOH Secretary Enrique Ona,  stipulating the following provisions: 

1)     All Centers of Health Development Offices, DOH Regional Hospitals and Retained Hospitals to allocate 2% MOOE budget to health system research activities;

2)     The DOH CHD’s Regional Director/Assistant Regional Director (ARD) if not included as Chair or Co-Chair of the regional consortium, to designate ARD as co-chair of the said consortium, in order to ensure efficient use of  health resources in the region; and

3)     Formulate holistic health research plan and health research agenda in the region. 

With the PNHRS Act as the basis the BCHRD had opened the organizational structure to the entry of a co-chair in the person of DR. NAPOLEON AREVALO, the Assistant Regional Director of the Department of Health. 


In a personal meeting with Dr. Arevalo and  Dr. Alma S. Banua, the consortium director, the following topics were discussed: 1) research agenda of BCHRD; 2) research undertakings; and 3) provision of funds to research proposals. With the joined forces of DOH as the lead agency in health  and  the BCHRD,  they both will be moving to one direction – strengthening the health research system management in the region as a strategy to improve the health conditions of the Bicolanos.