In the continuous development of the Rx Box Program of the National Telehealth Center, information dissemination through forums of stakeholders, private and public local government units are being widely implemented. The Rx Box program is an effort of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Teleheath Center to provide better access to life-saving health care delivery to isolated and disadvantaged communities nationwide.

The RxBox allows diagnosis of the patient’s conditions within the health facility. The following are its features: 1) Blood pressure monitor; 2) Pulse Oximeter; 3) Electrocardiogram; 4) Fetal Heart Monitor; 5) Maternal tocometer and 6) Temperature sensor. It is a multi-component program which aims to build the capacities of frontline health workers for the ethical use of health technologies, the RxBox telemedicine device, Community Health Information and Tracking System (CHITS) and telemedicine.

A roll out of 1,000 units of Rx Box will be distributed among regions of the Philippines. There are approximately 18 units to be distributed in Region 5, all of which are GIDA (Geographically Isolated and Disadvantage Areas). The list of which are still for finalization.


Last August 18, 2016, staff from BCHRD attended the Stakeholder’s Forum and Technology Demonstration on the Rx Box Roll-out Project in Bicol at AVP function hall, Tahao Road, Legazpi City. The said forum was organized by the Department of Science and Technology V in cooperation with UP-National Telehealth Center. The said forum was attended by stakeholders from local government units, Provincial Science and Technology Centers, media , DOH personnel and hospital heads. Highlights on the use of the Rx Box and its implementation were discussed by the RxBox Project Manager, Dr. Kristine Mae Magtubo of UP-National Telehealth Center. The use of the units were also demonstrated by the technicians of the NTC.