q Completed and signed Checklist for Applicants

q BCHRD-REC Application Form

q Six (6) copies of the final protocol or amendments (when applicable)

q Six copies of Participant Information Sheet for each group of participants involved in the study

q Six (6) copies of Informed Consent Form for each group of participants involved in the study (written in

    English and Filipino or dialect spoken and understood by research participants)

q Curriculum vitae of project investigator(s)


q All Validated Questionnaires to be used as part of the study

q Researcher designed Questionnaires

q Focus Group Topic Guide

q Evidence of approval from other ethics committees (where relevant)

F For revised applications:

q Always submit a covering letter outlining the changes that have been made

qEnsure amended documents have been labelled as such and have been updated with a new version number and date in the footer of the document


Download the forms here: