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      The 1st quarterly monitoring project monitoring of the research “Characterization And Toxicological Evaluation of Guyabano (Annona muricata)  Leaves Extract” by Prof. Dennis Gogola and Carina Orden of Bicol University Tabaco Campus was undertaken by BCHRD on May 2014. The project monitoring were done by Ms. Marie Jeanne Berroya, Regional Director for Region5, Dr. Alma Banua the consortium director and Mr. Franco Velasco, Project Assistant of the consortium.

        The purpose of the monitoring is to ensure that project implementation is in accordance with what is stipulated in the Memorandum of Agreement and to resolve problem/s arising thereto if any.  It includes 1.) Field visit to Bicol University Tabaco Campus, and 2) Review of the technical progress reports submitted by the proponent.

     The researchers presented the accomplishments during the 1st quarter, together with the problems encountered in the implementation of the project. A number of recommendations were forwarded that focused on the facilities for the experimental animals, seeking approval of the research from the Institutional Care and Animal Use Committee and the need for additional financial resources for the cages of the experimental animals.

       Dean Plutomeo Nieves of BUTC who is an active researcher himself supported the recommendations in particular the provision of financial assistance to the project.



BCHRD ERC working towards Registration and Accreditation this 2014


The Ethics Review Committee ensures that the researches involving human participants conform to the ethical standards and principles towards respect for sanctity and dignity of man (PCHRD Annual Journal 2003). DOST Administrative Order 001 Series of 20018 states that research ethics registration is mandatory.

To be able to exercise their function fully the ERC of  BCHRD  is working towards the process of being registered/accredited. Two of the requirements to be complied are 1) the qualification of the composition of ERC, hence two of each members (Dr. Alvin Ogalesco and Ms Catherine Campillos) will undergo Basic Ethics Training on June 24, 25, 2014 and 2) finalization of the Standard Operating Procedures of the committee. The SOP being the output of the training in 2013 was initially submitted to the Philippine Health Ethics Review Board (PHREB).The suggestions are being incorporated.

Completion of the other documents need to the completed so that the target of being registered/accredited will be achieved.



The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) facilitated for the 2nd time Basic Ethics Training  onJune 24 and 25, 2014 at Bicol University College of Nursing Amphitheater, Legazpi City. The goals of the training are: 1) to guide participants on moral dimensions of research; 2) to assist the participants in  reviewing ethical research; 3) to describe the different controls for Ethics in Research, focusing on Institutional Research Ethics Committee and the PHREB; and 4) to motivate participants to adhere and advocate quality ethical research.

The Resource Persons were from the Philippine health Research Ethics Board (PHREB), Dr. Rosario Angeles T. Alora  and Dr. Ricardo Manalastas Jr., Chair of the Sub-committee on trainings and member/trainer respectively. The participants were member-institutions of the BCHRD actively participated in the role-playing, demonstrations and lecture. 

The trained participants will form part of the ERC of BCHRD, Institutional ERC of the BU College of Medicine and of the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital. Each agency was provided a copy of the 2011 National Ethical Guidelines of PHREB, as reference.

The activity ended with a commitment of adhering to the ethical standard in the conduct and evaluation of researches.




The Republic Act 10532, otherwise known as the “Philippine National Health Research System Act (PNHRS) of 2013” was signed into law by President Benigno S. Aquino last May 7, 2013. Sec. 13 of the law pertaining to the Regional Health Research Systems stipulates that


“The PNHRS framework shall be mirrored in all the regions of the country, forming a network of regional research consortia. Each regional health research system' shall address concerns relating to health research agenda, development of human resource in health research, conduct of researches, dissemination of research results, research utilization, resource mobilization, leadership and management.”


            Supportive to this, is the Department Order No.2014-0121, issued by DOH Secretary Enrique Ona,  stipulating the following provisions: 

1)     All Centers of Health Development Offices, DOH Regional Hospitals and Retained Hospitals to allocate 2% MOOE budget to health system research activities;

2)     The DOH CHD’s Regional Director/Assistant Regional Director (ARD) if not included as Chair or Co-Chair of the regional consortium, to designate ARD as co-chair of the said consortium, in order to ensure efficient use of  health resources in the region; and

3)     Formulate holistic health research plan and health research agenda in the region. 

With the PNHRS Act as the basis the BCHRD had opened the organizational structure to the entry of a co-chair in the person of DR. NAPOLEON AREVALO, the Assistant Regional Director of the Department of Health. 


In a personal meeting with Dr. Arevalo and  Dr. Alma S. Banua, the consortium director, the following topics were discussed: 1) research agenda of BCHRD; 2) research undertakings; and 3) provision of funds to research proposals. With the joined forces of DOH as the lead agency in health  and  the BCHRD,  they both will be moving to one direction – strengthening the health research system management in the region as a strategy to improve the health conditions of the Bicolanos.

Mentoring in Research and Development is in for an effective program/project implementation


          The “Big Brother Concept” in Research and Development (R&D) has been adopted in various public and private entities towards an effective program/project implementation. This is usually done by mentoring/coaching involving two (2) or more proponents/implementer in the country.  Through a partnership in health R&D, mentoring/coaching for example is led by a big school (known for its track record and earned accreditations) together with another school whose R&D work is in progress, just starting or has limited capacity/capability to do R&D.

            In the Bicol Region, the Ago Medical and Educational Center – Bicol Christian College of Medicine (AMEC-BCCM) has undertaken the Twinning Project in collaboration with the University of the Philippines (UP)-Manila. AMEC-BCCM was the former base institution of the Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) from 2007-2011.

            Recently, BCHRD conducted the Training on Health Proposal Packaging cum Writeshop. A total of thirty (30) professors/researchers and member-representatives attended this three-day training held on 21-23 July 2014 at Alvi’s Restraurant, Daraga, Albay. Dr. Ophelia Mendoza and Dr. Evangeline Amor served as resource speaker and mentor respectively, both are Consultants and Research Experts of the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD). The training facilitators were Ms. Gigi Benosa, Regional Consortium Coordinator, DOST-PCHRD and  Dr. Marlyn Daguno, Chair, BCHRD Research and Development Committee (RDC).

            Seven (7) health proposals were presented/ critiqued by the resource speaker/mentor and the RDC members. These proposals upon completion of requirements will be endorsed by BCHRD to DOST-PCHRD for evaluation, approval, funding and possible implementation in 2015.

            BCHRD now based at Bicol University (BU), Legazpi City from 2011 to date, leads in health R&D in the region. It is composed of higher education institutions (state/private universities and colleges), government/private hospitals and national government agencies. BCHRD is chaired by Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, BU President with Dr. Alma G. Banua, as the Consortium Director.

           DOST-PCHRD supervises the seventeen (17) health consortia in the country including BCHRD. (Dr. P.O. Lucena, DOST V)


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