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The Philippine Health Research Ethics Board-Committee on Standards and Accreditation (PHREB-CSA) and Forum for Ethical Review Committee in the Asian and Western Pacific Region (FERCAP) conducted a 4 day training and survey visit for PHREB Accreditation last August 13-16, 2017 at University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial School, Aurora Blvd. Quezon City.

The training consists of lectures and group on topics related to PHREB visit and by a practicum on-site visit from August 15-17, 2017 at the same institution.

It was attended by six accreditation trainees including members and staff of BHCRD. The attendees were divided in to three groups. Each group was headed by a team leader from PHREB or FERCAP surveyor. Group 1 was led by Dr. Tri Wibawa, group 2, Dr. Tito Atienza and group 3 was Prof. Michael Peralta. (BCHRD/Kevin Capoles)




 In an effort to increase the capacity of health researchers in the region, the BCHRD will be organizing program called “Bicol Health Research Training Environment (Bicol HeaRT): Training Program for Researchers”, a scholarship program designed to capacitate researchers who have interest in conducting health and health-related researches along with the identified research priorities in the region.


Submitted concept notes shall be screened by a group of experts in health research and its proponents shall be accepted in the scholarship program who shall undergo a series of trainings and workshops to come up with a full blown proposal for funding of DOST-PCHRD, DOH or other funding agencies. Slots will be prioritized to applicants from member-institutions of BCHRD. Accepted scholars shall enter into a contract between the proponent, agency and BCHRD.


Attached the concept note format, schedules of the training/workshops and the Regional Unified Heath Research Agenda (RUHRA) 2017-2022. Please send the concept notes and the curricula vitae of the proponents (no more than 2 pages, giving emphasis on research) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For inquiries you may contact them at 742-1803 or at 09167332353.






 Every year the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office V celebrate's the Regional Science and Technology Week and Bicol Regional and Invention Contest and Exhibit. As partner agency of the DOST-V, BCHRD joins in celebrating the regions biggest celebration for science and technology. One of the efforts of the consortium is to conduct a forum about the health research. This year BCHRD focus on disseminating the RUHRA and Research Dissemination on NVSP. 

RUHRA (2017 - 2022)


Topics and Subtopics

1.     Health services

o    Healthcare delivery in GIDA

o    Adolescent health

o    Teenage pregnancy

o    Improvement of maternal and child health

o    Risk assessment of maternal and child health

o    Evaluation of maternal and child health service delivery

o    Implementation of integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI)

o    Child health status from birth, preterm, low birth

o    Traditional birth attendants/hilot

o    Herbolarios/ traditional healers

o    Care for people with special needs (retain)

o    Mental health and psychosocial intervention

o    Substance abuse

o    PWD

o    Vulnerable population

o    Gender issues

o    Factors affecting compliance to TB management (retain)

o    TB patients

o    Health workers (e.g. doctors, nurses, etc.)

o   Preparedness and response of the facilities for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

o   Human Resources for Health

2.     Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

§  Evacuation/camp management for health

§  Health issues/diseases related to post-disaster

§  Climate change impact on health (e.g. meteorological data and illnesses)

§  Beliefs on disasters of indigenous peoples

§  Hospital safety and readiness in disaster management

§  Capability building among community on disaster risk management

3.     Policy and governance

·         Health financing

o  Mapping of appropriating funds for health

o  Impact of health insurance coverage to people’s health

o  Point-of-care implementation

o  Sustainability of PhilHealth benefits

o    Effect of downgrading of LGU-owned hospitals

o    policy vis-à-vis current health facility situation

o    Hospital infection control

o    establishing DOH-retained hospital per province

4.     Food safety

o    Food safety concerns, practices, and implementation for establishments and ambulant vendors

o    Diseases and Infestation related to food and water

5.     Environmental health

o    Health hazards and effects of small-scale mining

o    Waste management

o    Healthcare waste management

§  Infection control

o    Local technology development for disposal and treatment of hazardous waste materials of laboratories and hospitals

o    Public health risks brought by vector-borne diseases and zoonotic diseases

o    Environmental health assessments

o    Environmental sanitation and hygiene

o    Effects on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

o    Addressing occupational health hazards

o    Compensation

o    Policy

6.     HIV/AIDS-

o    Awareness and prevention

o   Safe blood supply

7.     Interventions to address Lifestyle-related diseases

o    Risk factors among younger population

o    Lifestyle changes and its effect on health among business process outsourcing (BPOs)

o   Health and wellness among industry workers (e.g. farmers, fisherfolks, etc.)

8.     Health technology development

o    Ethnobotany of agroforestry species in ancestral domains and indigenous peoples’ communities

o    Natural products for medical use

·      Material science

o    Drug-discovery and development for endemic plant species

o    Invention of novel and/or innovative medical equipment

o    Food packaging

·         Ready-to-cook meals for emergencies

·         Storage

9.     Migration and health

o    Local migration

o    International migration implications

o    ASEAN integration

o    Travel-related diseases

o    Pandemics

10.  Substance Abuse

o    Effectiveness and applicability of models of rehabilitation

o         Health interventions for drug users (e.g. minors)



Picture taken during the 2017 RSTW/BRICE Exhibit


Picture taken during the BCHRD Forum on 2017 RSTW/BRICE


Hurray! Science for People


The consortium is now starting to establish and promote the Regional Unified Health Research Agenda for 2017 - 2022. With the help of the DOST Regional Office 5, the consortium takes the opportunity to disseminate the main goal of the agenda through the exhibits and forum. The main goal of it is to encourage the researchers to create good researches that answers the current needs of the region in terms of health. For more info about the Region's Priority for Health Research here is the link .. BICOL RUHRA (2017-2022)


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