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Basic Research Ethics Training

August 23 – 24, 2021

Via ZOOM Teleconferencing


The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) spearheaded and facilitated the Basic Research Ethics Training for budding researchers of its member institutions. The consortium had collaborated with Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) and Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) for the conduct of the activity. The training happened last August 23 – 24, 2021 on a virtual setting using Zoom Teleconferencing. The training workshop was essential for institutions to establish a PHREB accredited ethics committee, and guide them how to prepare necessary documentations. Put extra effort in the welfare and protection of the human participants involved in health research, this workshop also aimed to guide the participants the moral dimensions of the research, apply basic research ethics concept, and advocate quality ethical research particularly those researches that involves human participants or human data.


The BCHRD secretariat sent invitations to member institutions who signified to establish their own PHREB – accredited research ethics committee and to those institutions that need training on research ethics. A total of 33 participants attended the training. Most of the participants are medical doctors, faculty researchers, social scientists, and budding research enthusiast from their respective institutions.


The Philippine Health Research Ethics Board provided assistance throughout the event. The speakers were Dr. Ma. Salome N. Vios and Dr. Leslie Michelle M. Dalmacio, both from University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine. During the day 1, Dr. Vios discussed the topics: Ethics and Research, Favorable Benefits and Risks Ratio, Selecting Research Subjects Fairly. Dr. Dalmacio discussed the topics: Defining Research Ethics Principles and Preparing an Adequate and Appropriate Informed Consent Process and Form. During the day 2, Dr. Vios discussed the topics: Protecting Vulnerability in Research, Qualified Researcher, and Institutional Controls: Research Ethics Committee. After discussing each of the topic, there was a team up workshop by dividing the participants into 4 groups and review an assigned protocol through a breakout session room in the Zoom. After which, a representative of each of the group will explain the findings about the assigned protocol. An interactive question and answer was also done to demystify some of things regarding research ethics.


The secretariat of BCHRD will be in close contact with the institutions to help them in the establishment of their own research ethics committee. After the training, some of the participants especially the young researchers have sent their queries regarding the BCHRD, how to submit proposals and how it can be funded externally.



Content by:  Mheljor A. General, PA III
Published by: Bernard Dexter M. Moros, SRS I

BCHRD Secretaria

Photo courtesy of Ms. Phoebe Diez



The Bicol Consortium for Health Research and Development (BCHRD) invites you to register for the upcoming 14th PNHRS Week Celebration South Luzon Cluster Satellite Session on August 3, 2021 at 8:00 AM.
The theme of the satellite session is "Financing for National Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness"

Now on its 14th year, the annual Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) week will showcase health research and development in the new normal in the upcoming virtual celebration scheduled on 9-13 August 2021.

Using a combination of live and pre-recorded materials through various online media platforms, the 14th PNHRS Week celebration aims to serve as a platform for the health research community to share their best practices and experiences in pursuit of healthier lives for the Filipinos through health R&D. 

Hosted by the Zamboanga Consortium for Health Research and Development (ZCHRD), the 14th PNHRS Week theme is “Health R&D in the New Normal: Moving Towards Universal Health Care.” 

"This year, we recognize the collective work and achievements of the System which supported the passage of UHC and produced relevant healthcare solutions," DOST-PCHRD Executive Director Dr. Jaime C. Montoya says. "As we move forward in the implementation of the UHC, we bank on the System's diverse expertise and strong network once again to ensure that the Filipino people will have access to better healthcare," he adds.

The celebration will showcase new dimensions and ways the 17 regional consortia’s emerging partnerships address the country’s current challenges on health issues and will cover the following activities:


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