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The PCCI Injap Sia Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award seeks to recognize young entrepreneurs which are able to innovate ideas to develop new markets, create wealth and generate jobs. The award is open to all Filipino entrepreneurs, 45 years old and below, owner or significant shareholder/management member of an enterprise that has been operating for  two (2) years and   registered in the Philippines. 

See promotional flyer below:


MMHRDC Webinar Series: The Science of Ageing
The Metro Manila Health Research and Development Consortium is pleased to announce the conduct of its  FREE webinar series with the theme, “The road to Super Seniors: The science of Ageing. It’s earlier than you think, but it’s never too late”. Co-organizing this webinar series are  Far Eastern University and Our Lady of Fatima University. 
The series will run through three Saturdays for the month of September (12, 19 and 26) from 1000h to 1200h and will feature at most 3 speakers per day. 1,000 slots will be opened but participants will be required to pre-register online. Those who can no longer be accommodated in the platform may view the webinar via Facebook live.
To register, please click HERE. 
For further inquiries you may reach us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..






CHED-CODGE-PSU Regional Research Conference

October 5-7, 2020

Theme: Research Engagements Geared toward Practical Solutions

A virtual conference sponsored by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED ROV), Council of Deans for Graduate Education (CODGE V) and Partido State University (PSU)

All faculty and students of Graduate Schools and Higher Educational Institutions in the Bicol Region are invited to submit completed researches for presentation in the online conference. Best papers will be selected and recognized.


Those interested to submit their abstract are requested to follow the procedures below.

1) Submit an abstract of your research not later than SEPTEMBER 21, 2020. Paragraph form, 200-250 words indicating the title of your research, general & specific objectives, methodology, general findings and main conclusion.

2) Below the research title, indicate your full name, email, mobile number, name of your institution, discipline cluster, faculty or student category.

Discipline Clusters:

  • Arts & Education
  • Agriculture, Environment & Health
  • Numerical, Business & Accounting
  • Social Sciences & Public Administration

3) Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a review committee.

4) Results of abstract review will be released within one week after submission. Earlier submissions will be issued earlier results.

Email your abstracts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. not later than SEPTEMBER 21, 2020


Reference: D.E. Baldo, Instructor - Partido State University

The Ateneo de Naga University (ADNU) invites researchers to participate in the 
3rd Ateneo de Naga University International Research Conference (IRC)
on July 2-4, 2020
at the Ateneo de Naga University (ADNU) campus in Naga City, Camarines Sur, Bicol Region, Philippines
with the theme:
"Industry 4.0: Shaping the future of business, the environment, education and people in the 21st century."
CPD points is being applied.
If you and/or your students have completed research related to this theme, we welcome the abstracts of your studies. The deadline for submission of abstracts is on February 28, 2020.


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